(1) Unix socket, communication between PHP scripts and the database server
(2) TCP connection, communication between the GT Hub daemon and the database server, used to authenticate receivers and users
(3) TCP connection, used for administrative purposes like receiver configuration, status and logs
(4) TCP connection, used for user authentication and administrative purposes
(5) User requests a page from the webserver
(6) TCP connection, used for XML based global chat
(7) TCP connections, used to retrieve the flash interface, control the receiver and receive the audio stream
(8) TCP connection, used for live logging to IRC clients, bridging the global chat and controlling radios from IRC
(9) TCP connection, used for administrative purposes like configuration and software updates
(MySQL Database) Used to store all account information, receiver information, some webpages, forum and support messages and some logs
(Shared webserver) Serves the webpages (which are generated by PHP scripts) and some static files
(IRC server) Used for logging purposes and to participate in the global chat
(GlobalTuners hub) Bridges chats, administrative communications and authentication requests among the database, webserver, irc server, nodes and users
(GlobalTuners node) Takes care of the communication between the users and the radio, serves the audio stream