A few years ago Eric Fry discovered that cheap 'dongles' being sold for digital TV and DAB reception, based on the Realtek RTL2832U, could be used as a crude SDR. This caused a resurgence of interest in online computer controlled receivers due to the availability of these cheap devices. Global Tuners has supported use of these for some time with a dedicated set of drivers. A wide range of receivers with better filters and more stable oscilators are descended from the cheap dongles but these often require more specific drivers. Some could be utilised on Global Tuners using third party software but this was not ideal. The past few weeks has seen us spending time making the 'extIO SDR'. Developed by Alberto di Bene, ExtIO is a "standard" for communicating with SDR hardware. Using a device specific extIO.dll (many sdr devices have them) the extIO SDR receiver type allows us to integrate a wide variety of devices without the need for third party software.
At 1st December 2018 we have proven the concept with the:
SDRplay RSP1
Airspy R2
and done some limited testing with the SDRplay RSPduo.
For AM reception the AGC should be switched ON
For RSP2 antenna connector 'A' should be used
For RSPduo only Tuner 1 is used and the 50ohm antenna connector should be used
This opens up the Global Tuners system to a wide range of new equipment ranging from the cheap (but very capable) rtl dongles right through to professional receivers.
We would welcome anyone with extIO devices to consider getting them online and helping us expand the range of supported receiver types.
Last edited by druid at Saturday, 01-Dec-18 12:45:31 UTC