Message from
legis225 at
Wednesday, 19-Oct-16 21:32:43 GMTI closed the software. What do I do now?
Message from
legis225 at
Wednesday, 19-Oct-16 22:42:35 GMTOk radio is online. Is there a configuration for the server software? The radio runs in two modes, HF .1 to 24 mhz and 24-3400 mhz. right now it's set for VHF and above but the antenna is for HF. It's actually doing well on VHF right now, but its more of an HF setup.
I have to set the radio from within the server software to run in direct mode. Is there a way to do that?
Message from
I0QMY at
Friday, 07-May-21 20:31:07 GMTbs. durante l istallazione del software di partenza si blocca al login ,, sono registrato da anni
e non mi fa andare avanti