Message from
James at
Saturday, 08-Jan-11 19:26:43 GMTHi,
The Atlantic DX node will be down until further notice, as house maintenance takes place and the EWE antenna is in need of repair which will be done when I get chance to work on it.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Last edited by James at Saturday, 08-Jan-11 19:27:08 UTC
Message from
nigel at
Saturday, 08-Jan-11 19:43:24 GMTThanks for the heads up James, We will miss the radio, I know I will :(
Happy New Year
Message from
James at
Sunday, 09-Jan-11 00:49:14 GMTHappy New Year to you too Nigel, yes it has been running on that EWE antenna since early 2006, so it has lasted well! We are making a patio area where the EWE used to be sited, so regrettably it has to go. I just hope I can find room for a new one somewhere else in the garden!
Message from
Swler at
Monday, 10-Jan-11 01:37:39 GMTThanks for informing us. It's one of my favourite radios. I was wondering why it was missing :(
Thanks for making the radio available to us. It's been very useful.
Message from
gwiidaux at
Monday, 10-Jan-11 02:48:53 GMTThanks for providing that excellent rig, James. I tried it a few days ago and was surprised by how well it picked up my usual propagation benchmarks.
Best wishes for 2011.
Last edited by gwiidaux at Saturday, 17-Dec-11 06:10:54 UTC
Message from
Lanta at
Thursday, 13-Jan-11 04:15:57 GMTgwiidaux , here are some more freqs for WX Airfields
Airfield WX
3.413 Khz LSB Shannon Volmet (Europe) Best time to tune after 23h00 UTC)
5.505 khz USB Shannon Volmet (Europe) Day Time very srong signal in EU
6.604 khz USB New York Radio - Radio Canada (USA-Canada) after 23h00 UTC in EU
8.957 khz USB Shannon Volmet (Europe Day Time weaker signal in EU (+5.505 khz)
HF Volmet Broadcasts Meteorological Information for Aircraft in Flight
73 Herman
Last edited by Lanta at Thursday, 13-Jan-11 04:23:49 UTC
Message from
gwiidaux at
Friday, 21-Jan-11 02:23:57 GMTThanks for the freq tips, Lanta. Utes are very handy for comparing propagation, especially in these no-sunspot conditions.