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Message from yvesvdd at Sunday, 15-Mar-09 13:11:41 GMT
You can find one of the Sony's on Globaltuners here:

Give your feedback on the system here.
Message from Rob at Wednesday, 18-Mar-09 06:43:01 GMT
How do you tune to the HD1 and HD2 stations on the HD streams with this thing?
Message from vitesse at Wednesday, 18-Mar-09 08:59:33 GMT
Actualy the only HD2 and HD3 station receivable on GlobalTuners is WVPS 107.9mhz on FMDX-Montreal node. WVPS-HD2 (VPR classical) is at 108.0 and WVPS-HD3 (BBC World service) is at 108.1

When HD signal (HD1) is available the radio automatically switch to the HD feed. In MW when an HD feed is available the radio automatically switch to it

This is still a project in build, so my node is online for testing only. We will probably have something different to tune for HD station in the future.
Message from Rob at Wednesday, 18-Mar-09 19:34:15 GMT
Will you have the listings up? I couldn't access the logs.
I think I heard 94.9 KROCK out of Utica, NY last night (poss tropo)?

I don't know where to aim the antenna though for that part of the world.

Message from Rob at Wednesday, 18-Mar-09 20:09:47 GMT
Also, to globaltuners, please put more HD receivers in the states.
Cleveland, LA etc has a lot of stations. Just don't know how to tune them without going to HD.1 etc etc.
Message from vitesse at Wednesday, 18-Mar-09 20:53:56 GMT
Many user and node operator have show interest in the Sony XDR-F1HD. All the work is done by Olivier From FMDX-Toulouse. My node is open as a test platform right now. When Everything will be ready, I think many node will comme up. I think Olivier want to give is software to other people that want to put a Sony node on GlobalTuners. But the system is not ready yet. My node is mainly used to test HD reception.

Official node working:
FMDX-Montreal 2

Official node not working:

Node that show interest in the project (as far as I know)
Toronto node
New-York node
FMDX-Vervier (may be a future node one day)

Message from Rob at Wednesday, 18-Mar-09 22:23:41 GMT
groovy this should be cool!
Message from audiokaos at Thursday, 19-Mar-09 15:09:58 GMT
Toronto now has the Sony XDR-F1HD tuner, but not online yet. The rest of the hardware to interface the tuner is on order, so shortly many of the issues that plague FM at my location will be fixed. Just listening to it has already sold me on the tuners quality. The FM band has no free allocations here & this tuner really shows that. Even locals that I'm in *direct* line of sight (Transmitter is the CN Tower, ~15Km away) have stuff that's completely different in adjacent channels. HD Radio from Buffalo is receivable. 102.5 has a great blues channel on their HD2 channel.

Stay tuned!
Message from RX-Hogger at Friday, 20-Mar-09 03:04:25 GMT
Hi Kent and all, really happy to read that soon the XDR-F1HD tuner comes online in Toronto.
Also perhaps a small FM yagi antenna mounted on the balcony brings good results plus enbales a few signals to be nulled out and brings a few more weak DX signals.

Most of all I'm looking forward to listening to a more FM-DX signals without the need of using a 10 or 20 dB attenuation due to signal overload, and as Brain Beezley K6STI points out in his very detailed test report, the stereo low noise threshold featured in the Sony XDR series is a highly special feature!

It enables to listen to a stereo signal from distant FM stations in amazing clarity, many other tuners would use a high blend that narrows channel seperation considerably or they would sound much noisier. Although I might add that still older FM tuners from Kenwood, Yamaha or Onkyo remain a good choice when modified and aligned. I'm also using a XDR-F1HD and plan to put it online part time during next summer in around 2 months or later.

Message from davidm34 at Saturday, 28-Mar-09 22:37:20 GMT
I would also like to put one of my Sony XDR-F1HD's online. I have moved from Marietta, GA to Youngstown, OH which is centrally located between Akron, OH, Cleveland,OH and Pittsburgh, PA. I can get several AM and FM stations in HD from these areas including Youngstown.

I'll also be putting my ICOM PCR-1500 back online very soon.
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