astra, thanks for offering your receiver to Global Tuners, where are you located in the Netherlands? Looks like a interesting area for FM-DX reception from several neighboring countries.
73, AMFMLIST (Björn)
I haven't received any information regarding the hardware and software. I think this is because my email account doesn't work anymore because of spam. Can you please send me the information to another email? See my profile for the new email account.
@amfmlist: I'm located in the East part of the Netherlands, near the German border. (Arnhem regio)
Ok, will try to send the information again on your new email today when back to home.
Just send files you asked. have fun and feel free to ask more info.
What files are you sending becuase some files get blocked if the .exe or too big its best to upload to mediafire and then download them back down :D
yes seem files are blocked by gmail. DreamXtreme as put all the files required to do that online
please go to this thread:
You need the windows drivers for the seeeduino (ftdi chips)
after that you need the seediono software so you can upload the firmware inside the card
You need the firmware for the sony receiver. He only put that firmware so it's not a big problem. The version online is the one with RDS decoding. this is the thing you upload inside the seeeduino.
then you need the XDR software to do translation between GT server and arduino card. Again this is not a problem he only put the one for sony
Only one thing to remember, when you upload the firmware with the arduino software, make sure you choosed atmega168 CPU if you bought the seeeduino 1.1 model. To my knowledge no one has tried this with the Seeeduino 2.0 witch use atmega328 processor
feel free to ask more help here
Thanks a lot for this information.
Does it matter which Arduino (clone) board I use?
Or can I compile the source code to any Arduino board hex code?
I'm thinking e.g this one: ebay 160470038850
Regards, Astra
you can also look here of where to buy